

Weekend Tour around Towada and Hachinoye 
We went to Kabushima, Ashigezaki, Tanesashi and also shopping!!! 

Then Dr Balu invited us to his house. There is a large garden with many animals there. it's like a farm! 

We ate homemade "kimuchi". it was so delicious. 

Thank you so much for your great hospitality.


Training Day 4

Day 4 (24th Aug 2018) 
Discussion about SATREPS
Observation of histopathological appearance of dog rabies by fluorescence microscopy. 
Training of RAPINA (Rapid diagnostic test for Rabies antibody test)
Observation of histopathological appearance of dog rabies by Transmission Electron Microscopy:TEM

Lectures by Sheilla (RITM) and  Joely (RADDLE3)


Training Day3

Day 3 (23rd Aug 2018)
Trainees learned how to make IHC (Immunohistochemistry) slide 
and how to read IHC slide
Dr Baku taught how to read rabies cases in dog and human 

There was an autopsy case of a dog
We could observe dog necropsy. (necropsy diagnosis: hemangiosarcoma) 
And performed sampling of follicle sinus complex


Training Day 2

Day 2 (22nd Aug 2018) 

Histopathology training, hands-on training using real animal samples
HE slides observation of rabid dogs and human cases
Preparation of IHC slides of dog brain, salivary gland, skin tissues

ICT(immunochromatographic test) training was also conducted. 
ICT (Rabies antigen kit) was invented by Pro Nishizono (Principal investigator) 
In this project, we want to evaluate efficacies to diagnosis rabies including human and dogs. This time, we use brain and muzzle hair samples for ICT. 
The trainees learned how to use this kit and the mechanizm. 

After the trainig, staff and students of Kitazato Uni prepared BBQ. We enjoyed it!


Training Day 1

We started the training program at Kitazato University.

Day 1 (21st Aug 2018)
Tour in Kitazato University
Lecture by Dr Baku
  • About Kitazato University 
  • Histopathological diagnosis in Rabies
Courtesy call to Deen of faculty Dr TakaiHands on training of muzzle hair diagnosisAfter the training, we went shopping!


JAPOHR training program in Japan

Four Doctors (2 MD, 2 DVM) arrived in Japan for our training program
In the first week, Kitazato university (Dr Baku) will conduct the training course (RABIES diagnosis, histopathological aspect)
In the second week, NIID (Dr Inoue) will conduct the training course.
Dr Saito and D

Dr Sheila (RITM, MD Pathologist) , Dr Alph (RITM, MD Pathologist)
Dr Maria (RADDL3 DVM), Dr Joely (RADDL3 DVM)

20th August 2018 (This date is official starting day of JAPOHR project!)

Let`s study a lots!